9 Daily Habits For Better Living
Transform your life, one day at a time!
When it comes to health, we are all told that we need to eat healthier, move more, sleep better and have less stress but knowing where to begin can be a stress too! So what do we end up changing? Nothing! It’s too overwhelming.
Or perhaps you do make some changes but struggle to keep the momentum going and before long, your new healthy habits start to slide and you end up back at the start!
It can be hard to know where to start but the first step is starting somewhere! Create goals to work towards. Start with small achievable goals to prevent overwhelm and when you achieve them you will feel great, which will motivate you to reach the next goal and the next and the next……….!
If your small goal still feels too much, break it down further. Slow and steady wins the race.
I have created this free checklist with 9 healthy habits which my clients have found to be the most effective in transforming their hormone health. Tick the habits you already have in place and the ones left over are your priority to work towards. Download it here.
Please don’t be overwhelmed if you only manage to tick one or two or even none. Pick the easiest one to implement and prioritise this. There is also a section for prioritising up to 3 habits to keep you focused on your health goals.
Prioritising all 9 of these daily habits is the first step to achieving healthy hormone balance and feeling yourself again!
My 3 top tips for creating healthy sustainable healthy habits are:
- Write down the reason why you want to make changes – Keep it somewhere visible where you can see it regularly i.e. on the fridge or a wall or take a picture and make it your screensaver. This will help you remember the end goal and help keep you motivated to keep up your good work.
- Regularly review your goals – I would recommend reviewing your goals at least every week. Try to focus on what you have achieved rather than what you haven’t achieved. Life gets in the way sometimes so don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go to plan. Start again the next day and remember the reason why you want to make these changes (See point 1).
- Get a friend involved – Creating goals with someone else will help keep you accountable and motivated to stay on track. I have a competitive side so this really works for me!
Download your free checklist here to help you keep on track to achieving your health goals.
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